Technical documents can be found in a very wide range of subjects: automotive; hydraulics; engineering (civil, marine, mechanical, electrical); avionics; medical & pharmaceutical (monographs, equipment specs, hardware); the law; information technology; optics; science (chemistry, mathematics, statistics, physics, etc.); high tech manufacturing; architecture and construction. Technical applications would include: commercial agreements; product labeling; scientific reports; statistics and mathematics; patent documents; instruction manuals; warranties; engineering specifications; etc. There's really no end of topics. PLEASE LET US ASSIST YOU! CALL NOW! TOLL FREE: 1-888-722-3515 |
Manuals, almost by definition, are technical in nature as they
invariably supply instructions and technical specifications that apply to a particular subject, field, business or profession.
Technical manuals are usually intended for distribution to foreign markets. Foreign countries imply changes to technical specifications (electrical standards,
building codes, to name a few) not to mention the applicability of legal disclaimers, safety requirements, local usage customs, etc. We can assist you
with the localization of technical manuals and accompanying specifications. |
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We assist Gas Utilities and related organizations (regulatory bodies) with documentation (e.g. regulation, public policy, infrastructure, transportation, distribution, transmission, rate cases, public hearings, deregulation, electricity markets, off-the-grid, outsourcing, common carriage competition, bid rigging, price fixing, privatization, cooperatives, etc.) that is written in 'technical' language and requires accurate translation. We are prepared to source a freelance translation resource for virtually any type of gas related activity, including: Biogas; Coalbed Methane; Compressed Natural Gas (CNG); Landfill Gas (LFG); Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); and, Shale Gas.
Among other topics, we assist Utilities and related organizations (regulatory bodies) with the translation of Gas, Electrical and Pipeline sector documentation (e.g. regulation, public policy, infrastructure, transportation, distribution, transmission, rate cases, public hearings, deregulation, electricity markets, off-the-grid, outsourcing, common carriage competition, bid rigging, price fixing, privatization, cooperatives, etc.)
Gas Energy Utilities Translation Category Overview
We can source a freelance translation resource for virtually any gas utility subject or topic, including:
Aggregation · Arbitrage · Backhaul · Balancing · Baseload · Basis · Bid Week · BTU (British Thermal Unit) · Bundled Service · Capacity · Carrying Charge · Cash Market (aka Physical Market) · Commodity Charge · Contract Demand · Curtailment Policy · Curtailment · Daily Contract Quantity (DCQ) · Dawn Hub · Degree Day · Dekatherm (Dth - also equals MMBtu) Deliverability · Delivery Point · Demand Charge · Deregulation · Direct Purchase Agreement · Dual Fuel Capability · Firm Capacity · Firm Delivery · Firm Service Contract · Forecasting · Franchise · Fuel Gas Ratio · Futures Contract · Gigajoule (GJ) · Hedge · Henry Hub · Hub- Hub Services · Imbalance Trading · Incremental Costs · Index Price · Interruptible Service · Load Factor · Local Distribution Company (LDC) · Market-Based Rates · MMBTU(One million British thermal units) · MMCF(One million cubic feet) · National Energy Board (NEB) · Nomination · Nomination/Delivery Control · NYMEX(New York Mercantile Exchange) · Ontario Energy Board (OEB) · Peak Day · Peak Shaving · Processing · Producer · Production · Receipt Point · Service Agreement · Service Classification · Spot Market · Spot · Spread Risk · Tariff · Unbundled Service · Underground Storage · Upstream Transportation Capacity Allocation · Weather Normalization · Weighted Average Cost of Gas (WACOG) · Zone- Zone Rate
Bi-Directional Document Translation
Service for virtually any language pair AND profession.
In addition to providing technical document translation
services from any language into the English, French or Spanish languages, we can also
assist you with the translation of English language technical material into the world's most popular
languages: English to Chinese; English to Arabic; English to German; English to Japanese; English to Portuguese; English to Russian; English to Korean; English to Italian; English to Hindi; to name but the most
popular among the more than 75 languages that we can handle
When you apply for work put your best foot forward and make a lasting
impression with a résumé that has been translated by an expert who is fluent in your native language and is familiar with the technical language of the field you work in.
Don't settle for anything but the best and allow us to present you in the best possible light. |
Website Translation and Localization Services for public utilities: We have substantial expertise in the translation of website content. However, our website translation service goes well beyond the translated word. We approach website translation assignments with localization considerations in mind: cultural adaptation (appropriateness); target audience(s); search engine optimization (SEO).
Our objective is to ensure that your translated website is effective in reaching its intended audience, delivers your business message strongly and
succinctly, projecting a credible professional image while protecting your reputation. |
Our PowerPoint presentation translation service is for the translation of information that is
set up in Microsoft's software application (i.e. documents with a .ppt suffix). The subject-matter of these PowerPoint presentations that require translating is as diverse
as the number of people using the application. Our translators are equipped with the software and translate the information directly within the application. The
finished product is delivered in PowerPoint without additional formatting. |
We assist organizations with legal documentation that requires accurate translation, such as,
but not limited to: Contracts, Transfer Agreements, Certificates of Accuracy, Witness Statements, Depositions, Affidavits, Sworn Statements, Trusts, Wills, Articles of
Incorporation, Legal Decisions, Court Transcripts, Litigation Documents, Immigration Documents and, Evidentiary Documents.
Related Topics: Notarized Translation; Certified Translation; Official Translation; Immigration Translation. |
Our proofreading service consists of reviewing any text for errors – hard copy (written documentation) or electronic (e.g. websites, MSWord files, PowerPoint files).The types of errors we look for include: missing words; typos; spelling mistakes; formatting errors; missing or bad punctuation; etc.
The proofreading service is combined with light copy-editing: checking for grammar; improper language usage; run-on sentences; consistency issues; etc. Our objective is to improve the formatting, style and accuracy of your written material without changing the content. |