The Lubbock area is the largest contiguous cotton-growing region in the world and is heavily dependent on irrigation water drawn from the Ogallala Aquifer. Much progress has been made in the area of water conservation and new technologies such as Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) irrigation were originally developed in the Lubbock area. A pipeline to Lake Alan Henry is expected to supply up to 3.2 billion gallons of water per year upon completion in 2012.
The ten largest employers in terms of the number of employees are: Texas Tech University, Covenant Health System, Lubbock Independent School District, University Medical Center, United Supermarkets, City of Lubbock, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, AT&T, Convergys, and Lubbock County. Lubbock Info Source
We assist organizations with agricultural products documentation used in all farming sectors from the production of food and goods through farming and forestry that is written in technical language and requires accurate translation. Subject areas that we can handle, include: agronomy; plant breeding; pesticides; fertilizers; foods (cereals, vegetables, fruits, and meat – animal husbandry – livestock production); fibers (cotton, wool, hemp, silk and flax); fuels and biofuels (methane from biomass, ethanol, and biodiesel); farm machinery and farming implements; raw materials (lumber and bamboo); pharmaceuticals; stimulants (tobacco, alcohol, opium, cocaine,and digitalis); and, an assortment of ornamental or exotic products (cut flowers, nursery plants, tropical fish and birds for the pet trade).
Moreover, we assist the pipeline sector and related organizations (regulatory bodies) with documentation (e.g. regulation, public policy, infrastructure, transportation, distribution, transmission, rate cases, public hearings, deregulation, outsourcing, common carriage competition, bid rigging, price fixing, privatization, cooperatives, etc.) that is written in 'technical' language and requires accurate translation. We are prepared to source a freelance translation resource for virtually any pipeline topic or application.