CILFO Translations: translation and language resources at your
fingertips, including online bookstores and a selection of frequently used translated provers (English↔Spanish; English↔French;
English↔Italian; etc.). Also features a list of major industries and employers in Canada.
Spanish ↔ English Translation: A full range of
Spanish English freelance translation services listed by categories and area of expertise.
English ↔ French Translation: A full range of
English French freelance translation services listed by categories and area of expertise.
Website content translated. The website translation service goes well
beyond the translated word. Website translation assignments are handled with localization considerations in mind: cultural adaptation (appropriateness);
target audience(s); search engine optimization (SEO).
Statistical translation services. Statistical documents can be found in
a very wide range of subjects: automotive, hydraulics, engineering – see below (civil, marine, mechanical, electrical), avionics, medical & pharmaceutical.
There's really no end of topics.
Science translation. The subject-matter areas covered
include natural, formal and applied sciences as well as extending to the social sciences. Science-based documentation translated in a wide range of
subjects and applications: Journal Articles; Material Safety Data Sheets; Technical Product Information; Conference Presentations (summaries, abstracts,
PowerPoint files); etc.
Documents required by individuals and public authorities for
Certified documents translation explained. Also, commonly used terms
in a certified translation context are defined: Certification; Official; Legal; Accredited/Accreditation; Notarized/Notarization. Full service, across Nortyh
America. All languages (i.e. all language pairs).
Free Translation Classifieds: a mixed bag
of translation resources, including a host of international translation-related directories.
Legal documents translated: any documentation dealing
with legal matters requiring accurate translation, such as, but not limited to: Contracts; Transfer Agreements; Certificates of Accuracy; Witness Statements;
Depositions; Affidavits; etc.
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology
Translation services covering a wide spectrum of topics including documentation related to: research and development (R&D); drug development files;
drug manufacturing manuals and processes; submissions to regulatory authorities; pharmaceutical and/or biotechnology product approvals; etc.
Medical Documentation Translation. The services
encompass a wide range of medical specialties, sub-specialties and medical terms from anesthesia and dentistry to veterinary medicine and technicals.
Patient information and history records, clinical study reports, instruction manuals, patent applications, medical charts, hospital discharge summaries,
general medical documents, product specifications, medical prescriptions, insurance claims, manuscripts are but a sampling of the wide range medical
terminology translation assignments we are prepared to handle.
Technical document translation. Technical material can be found in a very wide range of subjects: automotive, hydraulics, engineering (civil, marine, mechanical, electrical), avionics, medical & pharmaceutical (equipment, hardware – see below;), the law, information technology, optics, science (chemistry, mathematics, statistics, physics, etc.). Technical applications would include: commercial agreements; product labeling; scientific reports; statistics and mathematics; patent documents; instruction manuals; warranties; engineering specifications. There's really no end of topics and we can source the appropriate technical expertise for your requirements.
Bi-Directional Technical Document Translation
Service for virtually any language pair
In addition to providing technical document translation
services from any language into the English, French or Spanish languages, we can also
assist you with the translation of English language technical material into the world's most popular
languages: English to Chinese; English to Arabic; English to German; English to Japanese; English to Portuguese; English to Russian; English to Korean; English to Italian; English to Hindi; to name but the most
popular among the more than 75 languages that we can handle